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Fundraising for local schools has always been an important part of the Smarter Uniforms model and since 2017 we have raised over £5,500 for schools around Brighton & Hove.

In 2023, we paused fundraising for schools as we switched to our new digital marketplace for parents and set up our free uniform programme. In June 2024, we can now raise funds for schools again, this time, via our marketplace.

What is the Smarter Uniforms School Fundraising Project?

Users of our marketplace can now choose to donate the sale of their items to fundraise for schools. This means the funds raised from each donated sale go directly to Smarter Uniforms to distribute to schools signed up for our project.

We have a selection of schools across the city which have chosen to take part in our fundraising project and will be receiving a portion of all donated sales. For the time being, we have a few schools on board but we hope to one day be raising sums big enough to share the love with every school in Brighton & Hove.

How do I donate my sale?

As a user on the Smarter Uniforms marketplace, you can securely and easily donate the proceeds of your sales to our School Fundraising Project.

It’s quick and easy to donate the sale of your items:

  1. Click on ‘List your uniform’ and create a new ‘Selling’ listing.
  2. Add in all the listing details for your uniform. Title, description, school, size, quality.
  3. Add price and stock numbers.
  4. Select the tick box ‘Donate my sale to the Smarter Uniforms School Fundraising Project’.
  5. Select your delivery preferences and price.
  6. Add Photos
  7. Publish Listings
  8. Once your item is sold, the funds will be transferred directly to Smarter Uniforms which will later distribute to the schools signed up for the project.

Where does the money go?

Only the funds from the item’s sold price will be donated to our fundraising project, not including any amount paid for shipping. This is to ensure no sellers go out of pocket to ship their sold listings.

As a small community interest company we incur fees to keep our marketplace running. This means that for now, we need to deduct 30% of each donated amount towards this to cover our costs and keep our services running in the local community.

This means 70% of every donated sale gets put into a pot and distributed between each of the schools that have decided to join our project. We hope to raise as much as possible for our wonderful local schools and with your help we can truly make a change!

For example:

If you’ve listed a school blazer for £10 with shipping costing £3 the buyer will pay a total of £13. This means £3 will go into your account for the shipping fees. £10 will then be donated to the School Fundraising Project minus £3 operational fees. Therefore, £7 total from this sale will go directly to our local schools.

smarter uniforms donations split pie chart image
Smater uniforms donations break down example image